After an uneventful ride to Geneva with Cathy (complete with a hot slice of lasagna at Maria's Ristorante in Morris, IL), I got to meet Travis Thrasher at B&N, Geneva Commons. Geneva Commons itself is the location of at least one scene in Ghostwriter. Excellent to speak with you Travis. You really are a prolific writer, and you sure know how to keep that butt glued to the seat and the fingers tapping on the keys. I wish you all the success in the world.

I was trying to download it onto my IPod in B&N when Martell was speaking to you, but wi-fi didn't work--but here at home, I return to a sleeping Cathy and strong wi-fi; boom, less than a minute later I have Sky Blue paid and downloaded and ready to read. I'll let you know my thoughts, T. Thanks for being a real and good person.
Great meeting you last night! Appreciate your kind words regarding Ghostwriter. Very encouraging to hear. Will be interested to hear what you think of Sky Blue. All the best.
Thanks, Travis. We will stay in touch by blogs. Keep up the wonderful work!
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