Short stroll with Cathy on the eve of Swedish Nights and Days in Geneva, Illinois, and absolute cornucopia of popcorn, fried food, dancing in the streets and hundred of revelers. R-Gang (photo above), a superb Chicagoland R&B cover band, had everyone dancing in the street in front of the Kane County courthouse.
Late night, sat on my patio with a Coors and listened to a cover band from the streetfest at The Dam Pub down the block run through dozens of rock hits from the 1990's (Pearl Jam, Sponge, 311, that sort of thing), Lovely start to the weekend.
[kawr-nuh-koh-pee-uh, -nyuh-]–noun
Classical Mythology . a horn containing food, drink, etc., inendless supply, said to have been a horn of the goatAmalthaea.
a representation of this horn, used as a symbol ofabundance.
an abundant, overflowing supply.
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