This boat, of which I am a proud owner, is the fastest plastic kayak on the planet. It's a water dart. It's rockerless but lively ride. It makes everyone who owns a 21 inched beamed boat think that "seat time" will get a novice up to speed in it. I struggled with it and swam a few times. Paddlers around the country coached me online, encouraged me. I thought it was me.
Alas, now that I am a seasoned kayaker, the Prijon Barracuda remains a selfish wench; a pitching stallion that treats me like a rodeo clown. A swimming clown. And yet, I love this boat. On flatwater, it excels. It makes me a better, more vigilant paddler. It helps my balance. And it is lickety-split. Here's the most recent Pnet reviews of the German-made Barracuda.

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