
Burning Bushes In Full Burn

What lovely trees, lining the highways and yards across the country. Right now, mid-October, here in Illinois, the burning bush is in full and absolutely spectacular bloom. As the mums fade to brown, the burning bush comes alive. All summer, sitting like a plain green bush of limited character, it now shows its real character. These photos were taken at Geneva Commons parking lot, which is rife with these red gems. Check them out next time you're shopping. They should last until this weekend, permitted that the rain holds off. The beautiful harbinger of winter, the burning bush.

Burning Bush
(aka Winged Euonymus or Spindle Tree)
Euonymus alata "Compactus"

Mature Height: 6-10 ft. for 'Compactus' (other varieties can get much larger)
Growth Rate: Moderate
Soil: Average, well-drained
Light Requirements: Sun/partial shade
Foliage: Medium green 1" to 3" in. long leaves, turning to vibrant red in the fall
Flower/Fruit: Small orange-red seeds in the fall
Pruning: No pruning is necessary! The most attractive shrubs are those that have not been pruned or sheared. except for cutting out older branches immediately following blooms. It can be cut to the ground following bloom time if you feel that it needs renewal.
Hardy to Zone 4

This shrub is one of the great beauties of the autumn season.


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